Transaction interface objects
The integration framework provides a selection of predefined
integration content for transaction interface objects, such as receipts,
general ledger transactions, labor time reporting, and meter readings.
Receipts object for materials and services
The MXRECEIPT object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of purchase order receipt information for material and service receipts and also supports status changes. The object structure uses a nonpersistent object to support both material (MATRECTRANS) and service (SERVRECTRANS) receipts.
Material and rotating item receipt object
The MXRCVROTITM object structure allows for inbound synchronization of receipt information for items, including rotating items.
General ledger (GL) object
The MXGLTXN object structure allows for outbound synchronization of GL transactions. This interface allows for the posting of site-level transactions to an external general ledger application for accounting reconciliation.
Labor time reporting object
The MXEMPACT object structure allows for posting site-level actual time reported in the system to external applications. The approved labor actuals are sent out and all inbound labor actuals are accepted regardless of status. The status of existing records are not updated when processing inbound transactions.
Meter reading object
The MXMETERDATA object structure allows inbound synchronization of meter reading data. This object structure supports only inbound processing. This interface does not support the processing of meter readings for work order tasks.