Item and inventory objects
The integration framework provides a selection of predefined
integration content for item and inventory objects, such as service
items, tool items, inventory vendors, and issues.
Item object
The MXITEM object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of item data, including conversions, item specs and conditions. This object structure supports status changes.
Service item object
The MXSERVITEM object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of service item data. The main object of the object structure, SERVICEITEMS, is a nonpersistent object.
Tool item object
The MXTOOLITEM object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of tool item data, including tool item specs.
Inventory object
The MXINVENTORY object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of inventory (item-storeroom) data, including inventory costs.
Inventory balance object
The MXINVBAL object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of inventory balance data. The balance change information in this object structure is for the lowest level (BIN or LOT) within the application.
Item vendor object
The MXINVVENDOR object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of vendor-item data.
Inventory reservations object
The MXINVRES object structure provides for thebidirectional synchronization of inventory (storeroom) reservations. This object structure does not process direct issue reservation records created by the system.
Inventory issues object
The MXINVISSUE object structure provides for the bidirectional synchronization of inventory (storeroom) issues and returns.