Modifying links in a self-service application

To change the links in the application bar of a self-service application, you must configure a property in the presentation.xml file for the application. You can configure these links for a self-service application that you duplicated from an existing application or for a new self-service application that you create.

About this task

When you configure the appbarlinks property, any existing links that are found in the database are ignored, and only the customized links are displayed.


  1. Open the application in the Application Designer.
  2. Select the Export System XML option in the Select Action menu.
  3. Save the XML file to a local directory and open it in a text editor.
  4. Search for the appbar tag in the XML file.
  5. Add appbarlinks=" " to the appbar tag to add the navigation menu to the application bar control.
  6. Insert the links, separated by semicolons.
  7. For each link, you can specify up to three attributes, separated by commas.
    1. ID of the linked application
    2. Text description to display in the application bar
    3. Image to display next to the description
    For example:
  8. Save the changes to the XML file.
  9. Import the file into the Application Designer to save the new menu information.