Navigating failure hierarchies

A failure hierarchy consists of a top-level failure class and several lower levels of failure codes.

About this task

Typical failure codes are Problem, Cause, and Remedy. Each cause in a hierarchy can have multiple problems. Each problem can have multiple remedies. Navigating the failure hierarchy lets you view the problems that are associated with certain causes, and which causes are associated with specific remedies within a hierarchy. Navigating the hierarchy also lets you identify the problem for which you want to add a cause or a remedy.


  1. Display the failure code record.
  2. In the Problems table, click the row containing the failure code with the children that you want to view. If the failure code has children, the children are displayed in the Causes table.
  3. In the Causes table, click the row containing the failure code with the children that you want to view. If the failure code has children, the children are displayed in the Remedies table.