Configuring the appearance of Linear object symbols in the Linear Visual Control display

Configure how Linear objects appear in the Linear Visual Control to quickly identify traits for the object. For example, you can color-code work orders for a segment by status, or the speed limit for a street.

About this task

You use JSON to configure the appearance of Linear objects that are defined for specifications, features, relationships, and work, including work orders and tickets.


  1. Open the Organizations application.
  2. Select an organization, and then select Asset Options from the list of More Actions.
  3. In the Linear Visual Control Symbolism section, click Configure.
  4. Locate an object you want to modify and use the JSON editor to update one or more attributes.
    For example, you can update the cssClass attribute to display the object in a different color. The help option provides object configuration assistance by defining objects and attributes that can be used in the JSON editor.
  5. Click Update to validate and save your changes.
    Updates are saved to the MAPSYMBOLOGYCONFIG column of the MapManager table in the database. You can restore the default symbol appearance by clicking Restore .
  6. Open a Linear record to verify that the Linear objects shown in the Linear Visual Control display have updated.