Importing file-based data

You can use the data import feature to load data from either XML, JSON, or flat, delimited files to update the database. You can preview and validate the data prior to loading it and committing it to the database. You can choose to manage errors with the Message Reprocessing application or by extracting errors to a file format that is the same as the imported file format.

Before you begin

Before data can be imported, if you plan to import data from a flat file, such as a .csv file, the enterprise service object structure must support flat file structures. Ensure that the Support Flat File Structure check box is selected on the associated object structure record in the Object Structures application. You also must enable both the external system and the enterprise service before you can import data.

About this task

The data import process can use a predefined or user-defined enterprise service.


  1. In the External Systems application, display the external system that contains the enterprise service from which you want to import data.
  2. On the Enterprise Services tab, select the enterprise service from which you want to import data.
  3. Click Data Import.
  4. Optional: Select the Import Preview check box to examine the data before importing and committing the data to the database.
    Use the preview option to sample data records. This feature is not intended to support a large file containing hundreds of records. Processing synchronously processes the file to the business objects and returns any error messages encountered, without committing any updates to the database.
  5. Specify the type of file that you want to use for the file import.
    Option Description
    XML file Imported data is in XML format.
    Flat file Imported data is in a delimited flat file. If necessary, modify the Delimiter and Text Qualifier values.
    JSON file Imported data is in JSON format.
  6. In the Specify Import File field, enter the file name path the imported file uses for identification and storage.
  7. Select the File-based Error Management check box if you want to manage any errors you encounter through a file in the same format as the file being imported. This option is an alternative to managing errors with the Message Reprocessing application
  8. Click OK to begin the import data process.

What to do next

When the data import is executed, the file that is selected for import is formed into multiple messages and dropped into the inbound queue that is configured for the enterprise service and its corresponding external system. The messages are then processed from the inbound queue to the application objects for updating. The processing of messages from an inbound queue requires the enablement of the related cron task when the sequential queue is used or the enablement of Message Driven Beans for the continuous queue. If errors occur when processing a file, you can manage and view the data import messages that are flagged with an error in the Message Reprocessing application.