Introduction to Work Centers

Work Centers offer you a simpler, task-based, and role-based interface that is responsive on desktops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones. Because these Work Centers offer only the features that you need to complete your most critical work, your learning curve can be shortened, and you work more efficiently.

Several related tools are available for activities such as designing data sets for business analysis, creating inspection forms, and quickly entering service requests.

Business administrators can configure parts of the Work Centers for Work Supervision and Work Execution.

Several Work Centers provide short tours about Work Center features. Available tours are listed in your Profile menu in a Work Center.

Work Center or feature Description

Configuring service requests

Complete administrative tasks. Administrators can customize the selections that users make in the Service Requests tool by creating categories and adding issues as options for each category.
Business Analysis Analyze information, and monitor and identify trends. Business analysts can use the data that is provided by the Work Center to improve operation and user performance.
Conduct an Inspection Conduct and review inspections.
Manage Inspection Forms Create inspection forms by adding questions and defining responses.
Manage Inventory Manage your item catalog, inventory reservations, and inventory in storerooms.
Service Requests Create service requests by using your desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile device. You can also monitor the status of existing service requests that you created or are affected by.
Work Execution Manage work orders that you own. Maintenance technicians can use the Work Execution Work Center on a desktop computer or mobile device.
Work Supervision Manage the work of your team. As a supervisor, you can manage the workload of technicians and assign owners to the work.
Work Center Configuration Business administrators can configure parts of the Work Supervision and Work Execution Work Centers.