Creating maps from COBie attributes to Maximo business objects specifications and fields

By creating maps, you can map attributes and extension columns in your COBie data to fields in Maximo® business objects and to the attribute types in specifications in Maximo Manage. Field maps are useful if your deployment is customized and has custom fields. Attribute maps for fields also reduce errors in the log files and rework when you validate and import data.

About this task

An attribute map can contain the following maps:

  • A map that contains COBie attributes that are mapped to fields in a Maximo business object, such as the Asset object, which is useful for populating custom fields.
  • A map that contains COBie attributes that are mapped to attribute types that are used in specifications in Maximo Manage.

Attribute maps are applied to project validate, import, update, and merge sessions, so that extra fields are not created unnecessarily with the values that are required in Maximo Manage. Attribute maps are also applied to export sessions, so you can use them to export a custom field in Maximo Manage to a COBie attribute.


  1. To map a COBie attribute to a field in a Maximo business object, in the BIM Projects application, select Attributes Maps > Map Attributes to Fields.
  2. Specify the COBie attributes and the fields that you need to map to in Maximo Manage.
  3. To map a COBie attribute to a specification in Maximo Manage, in the BIM Projects application, select Attributes Maps > Map Attributes to Specifications.
  4. Specify the Manage attribute types that are used to create specifications from COBie attributes.
  5. Save your changes.