Predefined focal points and calculation rules

The predefined focal points are provided and are based on assets, location, and general ledger accounts or components. Predefined calculation rules are also available and are based on estimated, committed, and actual costs.

Table 1. Focal points
Object Condition Description
ASSET None Budget generation for assets
CHARTOFACCOUNTS None Budget generation for GL accounts
GLCOMPONENTS BUDGL01, BUDGL02, BUDGL03, BUDGL04, BUDGL05, BUDGL06, BUDGL07 Budget generation for segments
LOCATIONS None Budget generation for locations
Table 2. Calculation rules
Object Condition Description
WPTOOL BUDMON75 Canceled tools.
WPTOOL BUDMON77 Committed tools.
WPTOOL BUDMON76 Estimated tools.
WPSERVICE BUDMON73.2 Estimated service is canceled if reorder was performed.
WPSERVICE BUDMON73 Estimated service.
WPMATERIAL BUDMON51 Canceled stored material.
WPMATERIAL BUDMON50 Committed stored material.
WPMATERIAL BUDMON52 Estimated stored material.
WPMATERIAL BUDMON54.2 Estimated direct material is canceled if reorder was performed.
WPMATERIAL BUDMON54 Estimated direct material.
WPLABOR BUDMON91 Committed external labor is canceled.
WPLABOR BUDMON93 Committed external labor.
WPLABOR BUDMON95 Committed internal labor is canceled.
WPLABOR BUDMON97 Committed internal labor.
WPLABOR BUDMON90 Estimated external labor is canceled.
WPLABOR BUDMON92 Estimated external labor.
WPLABOR BUDMON94 Estimated internal labor is canceled.
WPLABOR BUDMON96 Estimated internal labor.
PRLINE BUDMON102 Estimated direct material decrement from purchase request when a purchase order is created.
PRLINE BUDMON101 Estimated service is canceled.
PRLINE BUDMON100 Estimated service is canceled when purchase order is canceled.
PRLINE BUDMON99 Estimated service decrement from purchase request when a purchase order is created.
PRLINE BUDMON67 Estimated service is canceled.
PRLINE BUDMON66 Estimated service.
PRLINE BUDMON71 Estimated direct material is canceled.
PRLINE BUDMON70 Estimated direct material.
POLINE BUDMON85 Estimated service is canceled.
POLINE BUDMON83 Estimated service.
POLINE BUDMON82 Committed service is canceled.
POLINE BUDMON84 Committed service.
POLINE BUDMON89 Estimated direct material is canceled.
POLINE BUDMON87 Estimated direct material.
POLINE BUDMON86 Committed direct material is canceled.
POLINE BUDMON88 Committed direct material.
TOOLTRANS BUDMON59 Actual tools.
SERVECTRANS BUDMON57 Actual service.
MATUSETRANS BUDMON79 Actual stored material.
MATUSETRANS BUDMON81 Actual direct material.
MATUSETRANS BUDMON98 Actual direct material.
LABTRANS BUDMON63 Actual external labor.
LABTRANS BUDMON61 Actual internal labor.