Viewing bulletin board messages

You can use the bulletin board to create, view, and post messages related to critical problems and incidents, and to broadcast company-wide information. Creating and posting messages on the bulletin board minimizes the creation and duplication of tickets.

Before you begin

You must be granted access to the Bulletin Board application before you can create and post messages.

About this task

Messages can be routed to all users, or just selected organizations, sites, or person groups. You can view only those bulletin board messages for which you have been selected as an audience. If the composer of the message has not selected a specific audience, any user who logs in to the system can view the message.

Located in the Navigation bar of all applications, the icon named Bulletins indicates whether you have unread bulletin board messages. The icon uses a numeric value to indicate the number of bulletin board messages that you can view. The icon also changes from red to green when a new message is posted.


  1. In the Navigation bar, the Bulletin Board area displays all the bulletin board messages. When you change the value in the Viewed field, you change which messages you see. By default, the value in the Viewed field is N, and the Bulletin Board area displays unread messages. To view either previously viewed messages or all messages:
    • Enter Y in the Viewed field to see previously viewed Bulletin Board messages.
    • Leave the Viewed field blank to see all messages (both previously viewed and unread bulletin board messages). The messages display, with the most recent message appearing at the top of the list. Each message displays the date and time when the message was posted to the Bulletin Board.
  2. In the Bulletin Board window, click a message to display the details of the message.
  3. Click the message again to collapse the detailed view of the message.
  4. Click OK.