Multiple value retrieval
By using the relationships between business objects, you define a path for the script to retrieve multiple values for a variable. The script retrieves the values from a business object attribute that is related to the primary business object. You define the array of values by placing an asterisk after the required attribute.
Example of an expression to retrieve multiple values
In a script, the following expression retrieves all the quantity values declared on the distributed costs of a PO for all PO lines:
The following relationship path uses a filter with a WHERE clause. The script retrieves an array of loaded cost values declared on the distributed costs of a PO for a subset of PO lines and PO costs:
The following relationship path uses a filter with a condition. The script retrieves an array of loaded cost values declared on the distributed costs of a PO for a subset of PO lines and PO costs:
POLINE[linecost>100].POCOST[cond: PERCENTCOND].loadedcost*