Rolling up maintenance costs

In the Assets application, you can calculate the maintenance cost of your assets by rolling up costs that you incur for labor, materials, tools, and services.

About this task

If a work order is associated with an asset, the costs for labor, materials, tools, and services can be rolled up to the asset when the work order is closed. When you roll up maintenance costs for an asset, the cost is rolled up to the top-level asset in the hierarchy that the asset belongs to.

Costs can be rolled up manually or automatically. By default, cost rollups are manual. If you want costs to be calculated and rolled up automatically when a work order is closed, you must set the mxe.workorder.rollupMaintenanceCosts system property to 1. After you configure the system property for automatic rollups, all subsequent costs that are associated with work orders are rolled up automatically. However, any unprocessed maintenance costs that existed before the configuration are not automatically rolled up. You must roll up any preexisting, unprocessed maintenance costs manually.

If you upgrade to Maximo® Manage 8.3, run the Maintenance Cost Rollup Report to roll up pending maintenance costs before the upgrade.


  1. In the Assets application, from the More Actions menu, select Roll Up Maintenance Costs.
    The Maintenance Cost Rollup window lists assets that have pending maintenance costs to roll up and any assets for which cost rollups failed.
  2. Optional: To review the asset hierarchy for an asset, click the Show Hierarchy icon on the asset row.
  3. To roll up maintenance costs, select one of the following options:
    • To roll up maintenance costs for a single asset, select the asset and then click the Roll Up Costs icon on the asset row.
    • To roll up maintenance costs for all assets that are displayed in the window, click Roll Up All Costs.


Maintenance costs are rolled up to the top-level asset in the hierarchy that the asset belongs to.