Reporting asset downtimes

You use the Assets application to report the start and end time of the downtime for an asset after it has occurred.

About this task

An asset might incur both operational and non-operational downtime. You can create multiple downtime reports on a single work order.


  1. From the Assets application, display the record for the asset for which you want to report downtime.
  2. Select the Report Downtime action.
  3. In the Start Date field, the system date is displayed. Edit the date if necessary.
  4. In the End Date field, specify a date the downtime ended or will end. The Hours field shows the total downtime hours based upon the start date and the end date. This calculation considers the calendar for the asset and the elapsed time between the start and end of downtime.
  5. In the Downtime Code field, specify a code to describe the downtime.
  6. In the Downtime Type section, select either of the following fields:
    1. Operational If the downtime occurred when the asset was in use.
    2. Non-Operational If the downtime occurred when the asset was not in use.
  7. Click OK.