Creating an asset record for measuring and test equipment

Measuring and test equipment (M&TE) test the performance of instruments. When you create an asset record, you can indicate that the asset is M&TE.


  1. In the Assets application, click New Asset.
  2. Enter a unique asset number.
  3. Enter the description and status of the asset.
  4. If the asset is a rotating asset, specify a value in the Rotating Item field.
  5. If this asset has a parent, specify a value in the Parent field.
    If the parent asset is associated with a location, the location identifier is copied to the Location field.
  6. Select the Is M&TE check box to indicate that the asset is M&TE.
  7. Specify the M&TE classification.
  8. Specify whether the calibration of the M&TE is completed internally or externally:
    • Select the Internal Calibration check box to indicate that you calibrate the M&TE internally.
    • If the tool is calibrated externally, specify the calibration vendor.
  9. Save the asset record.