Linking objects in different applications

To capture comments associated with an asset on a work order, you must create a relationship or link between the ASSET and WORKORDER objects. Linking these objects enables the Work Order Tracking application to display and update information stored in the ASSET object.

  1. In the Database Configuration application, select the Work Order application and then open the Relationships tab.
  2. Click New Row.
  3. In the Details window, specify the following values:
    Field label Input value Description
    Relationship ASSET2WOLINK The name of the database relationship
    Child Object ASSET The name of the child object. WORKORDER is the parent object.
    Where Clause assetnum=:assetnum and siteid=:siteid SQL Where Clause condition or conditions. The system does not validate your input in the Where Clause field. Verify that your syntax is correct.
    Remarks <text> A description of the relationship. For example: This relationship binds WORKORDER and ASSET objects when you enter an asset number in a work order.
    The following table describes the logic of the Where Clause conditions for this example:
    WHERE clause syntax Description
    :assetnum Represents asset number value entered in work order screen
    assetnum= Look in Asset object for the asset number that matches the value entered in the work order screen
    :siteid The Site value entered in work order screen
    siteid= Look in Asset object for the Site value that matches the current value in the work order screen
    The Where Clause above joins the Work Order and Asset objects and locates a unique record.
  4. Click Save.

To complete the process of capturing asset comment information on work orders, continue to the next procedure that describes how to add a textbox control to Work Order Tracking in the Application Designer.