Validating schedule data

You can validate the work record data contained in your schedule to adhere to best practices for scheduling. Validation can be run on work, dependencies, and required resources for all work records included in the schedule.

About this task

You can access the Scheduler Data Manager application directly in the following applications:
  • Graphical Scheduling
  • Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects
  • Graphical Assignment
  • Graphical Work Week
You can navigate to the Scheduler Data Manager application by clicking the detail menu for the schedule or work list name, or by navigating to it through the Go To menu. If you access the application through the Go To menu, use the List tab to select the schedule or work list to validate.


  1. In the Scheduler Data Manager application, select the schedule or work list whose data you want to run validation on. The Schedule tab displays read-only information that is copied from the Maximo® Asset Manager Scheduler applications. The one exception is the Duration Threshold field, which you can edit on the Schedule tab.
  2. On the Work tab, select the check boxes for the validations that you want the process to check. You can select any combination of options.
  3. Click Validate Work. A notification window displays the status of the validation progress. Click OK to close the window.
    You can monitor the progress of validation jobs by selecting Show Validation Jobs from the More Actions menu.
    When validation is complete, all work rows that are contained in the schedule are displayed in the work record table. Key data about the work, including duration, priority, and restraint dates is included.
  4. Review any errors or warnings that the validation process found for each work record. You can select the Show Errors/Warnings Only check box to narrow your results. You can also filter for specific errors and warnings in the Filter By Error/Warning field. To correct violations, you can update work data directly in the table, or by clicking the icons next to the error or warning. Changes that you make are saved in the work records. You must refresh the schedules in order to see the changes.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 on the additional tabs to validate the following:
    Tab Validations
    Calendar Calendar information
    Queries Work and resource queries
    Dependencies Work record dependencies
    Resources Required resources
    Assignments Assignment data
    The tabs that are visible in the Scheduler Data Manager application depend on which application you are validating data from.