Swap Assets action

To swap an asset, select Swap Assets from the Select Action menu in the Assets application. Swapping assets involves replacing one asset with another.

If the asset you are replacing is moved from an operating location or a non-storeroom location to another operating location or another non-storeroom location, the general ledger financial transaction for swapping the asset is identical to moving and modifying assets between operating or other non-storeroom locations.

If the asset you are replacing is moved from an operating location or a non-storeroom location to a storeroom or other inventory control-type location, the general ledger financial transaction for swapping the asset is identical to moving rotating assets from non-storeroom locations to storerooms or inventory control locations.

You can move a replacement asset from a non-storeroom location to an operating location, and the general ledger financial transaction for swapping the asset is identical to moving and modifying assets between operating or other non-storeroom locations.