Return an Item action

To return an item, select Issue Current Item from the Select Action menu.

The date and time is used in the Entered Date field on the Issue Current Item page to determine the financial period for the transaction. The Entered Date field defaults to the system date and time.

When you click Save, ISSUETYPE = RETURN is written to the MATUSETRANS table.

When returning an item, the GL accounts remain the same as the issue transaction that is being returned. The sign of the line cost is changed to a negative to reverse the financial amount of the transaction.


Return 4 bearings at $0.50 (issue cost).

Table 1. Source of GL account for returning an item
Source GL account Debit Credit Source of GL account
  1. Inventory GL account (item resource code)
  2. If returned from a work order GL account
  3. If returned from asset
    • Asset GL account
    • GL account of the location for an asset
  4. If returned from a location
    • If only one asset at location, asset GL account
    • Location GL account
4 x $0.50 = -$2.00 4 x $0.50 = -$2.00 Inventory control account

If you capitalize the item, the default debit account is the capital GL account, and the line cost is zero.