Defining asset relationship rules

You can apply rules to relationships by classification and attribute.

Before you begin

Ensure that classifications and attributes are defined and understand the relationship rule and group structure for validation purposes.


  1. In the Relationships application, select a relationship with Use With set to ASSET.
  2. In the Asset Relationship Rules table, click New Row.
  3. Select a source and target classification pair.
  4. For grouped rule validation purposes, select the Within Group condition; where AND indicates that all rules must be met and OR indicates that any one must be met.
  5. Optional: For the Source Classification and Target Classification definitions, enter or select a Source Attribute value.
  6. Optional: For the Source Classification and Target Classification, enter or select the source attribute Condition value, where:
    Option Description
    EQUALS True if the attribute data equals the value.
    NOTEQUAL True if the attribute data does not equal the value.
    GREATER True if the attribute data is greater than the value.
    GREATEROREQUAL True if the attribute data is greater than or equal to the value.
    LESS True if the attribute data is less than the value.
    LESSOREQUAL True if the attribute data is less than or equal to the value.
    LIKE True if the attribute data contains the text entered in the value. Use for searching text.
    NOTLIKE True if the text entered in the value is not contained within the attribute data. Use for searching text.
  7. Optional: For the Source Classification and Target Classification, enter the corresponding Value for the selected Condition.
  8. Optional: Add additional lines by using New Row and new groups by changing the Group number.
  9. Save your relationship rules.