Message processing actions
Message processing actions stop or skip an entire enterprise service or publish channel message, or skip entire records within the message.
Skip action
The skip action bypasses a message that meets specified criteria. When a skip action is applied to an inbound message, the message is not processed and is cleared from the inbound queue. When a skip action is applied to an outbound message, nothing is written to the queue and the message is not sent to an external system. Skip processing does not generate an error, but the system log file is updated with the rule that caused the skip action.
A skip action has some predefined rules. These rules look up integration control values to ensure that outbound messages have a valid status before being sent to the external system.
Stop action
The stop action halts the processing of a message that meets specified criteria. An outbound message is rolled back and an error message is displayed. For inbound transactions, the message remains in the inbound queue. If the error was the result of a synchronous invocation of the enterprise service, the calling program is notified about the error.
Predefined rules are not provided with a stop action. This option is a utility for users to customize the behavior of a service or channel.
When possible, use the skip action rather than the stop action for inbound enterprise services. The stop action results in a processing error and the message remains in the inbound queue or the initiator receives an error response. These results do not occur when you use the skip action.
If a processing rule with a stop action is applied to a publish channel that is generated by the Data Export feature, the stop action is treated as a skip action. If the stop action evaluates as true, the message is skipped.
Skip children action
You can apply the skip children action only to outbound messages in a publish channel. Apply the processing rule on the record or object whose child level records are skipped.
If the person structure has the person object and child objects of phone and email, you can use the skip children action on a person to strip the phone and email data from the message. Use the skip children action when a status change occurs and the external system does not need the accompanying phone and email information.
Skip record action
You can apply the skip record action only to outbound messages in a publish channel. The skip record action deletes a record or object that contains your applied rule. Apply the processing rule on the record or object, and all of child records and objects, that you want to skip.
If the person object structure has a person object and a child object of phone, you can use the skip record action to strip a specific phone record from the message. Use the skip record action, for example, when you want to send the work phone number but not the home phone number for a person. The skip record rule needs a condition that identifies a home phone record to ensure that the record is skipped.