Creating custom time windows for special occasions
There are times for which you might want to create a change window that is neither daily, weekly, monthly, nor yearly. The Change Window Calendars application provides a way to create custom time windows for these special situations.
About this task
To create a custom time window, perform the following steps:
- In the Change Window Calendars application, open the Change Window Calendar for which you want to create the custom change window, and open the Change Window Schedule tab.
- With the Administrative tab open in the Change Window Schedule view, click New Row to specify information for a custom change window. CUSTOM is displayed in the Change Window Type field.
- Specify start and end times for the custom change window. The time duration of the change window is displayed in the Duration field.
- (Optional) In the Notes field, type any additional information that you want to supply for this custom change window.
- Click Save icon to save the custom change window. The new change window moves to the list in the Change Windows table. You can click New Row to define another custom change window.