Create a Communication
Use the Create Communication action to send a communication about a record to a requestor or other user.
When you create a communication, you can use a communication template to fill in default data or you can create a free-form communication. If you use a template, the system might fill in data such as the identifier, subject, and solution data from the originating record. For more information about communication templates, refer to the Communication Templates Help.
To create a communication:
- Display the record for which you want to create a communication.
- Select one of the following choices:
- If you want to send a communication to the Reported By or Affected Person user, click
Detail Menu next to the Name field of the Reported By or Affected
Person user and select Create Communication.
The Create Communication dialog box is displayed. The primary email address of the Reported By or Affected Person user is displayed in the To: field and the email address of the logged in user is displayed in the Send From: field.
- If you want to send a communication to any user, go to More Actions and selectCreate > Communication action. The system displays the Create Communication dialog box.
- If you want to send a communication to the Reported By or Affected Person user, click
Detail Menu next to the Name field of the Reported By or Affected
Person user and select Create Communication.
- Select one of the following choices:
- To create a communication using a template, in the Template field click Detail Menu and select an option to retrieve a value. You can edit the fields which the system populates from the template.
- To create a free-form communication, leave the Template field blank.
- While sending a communication via Create action, enter email
addresses in one or more of the addressee fields (To, cc, and bcc) or
complete the following steps to select values for these fields:
- Click Select Value at the end of the To field.
- On the Select Value dialog, click one of the following tabs:
- Roles – to send a communication to one or more roles. A role is a function or position within a business. Roles are defined by an administrator using the Roles application. The roles you select from the Roles tab resolve to the email addresses contained in the role records or associated person group records.
- People – to send a communication to one or more individuals. The People tab lists email addresses of individuals.
- Person Groups – to send a communication to one or more person groups. A person group is a list of individuals with a common purpose, for example, individuals with the same job responsibility or a team assigned to a project. Person Groups are defined by an administrator using the Person Groups application. The person groups you select from the Person Groups tab resolve to the email addresses contained in the person group records. If none of the members of a person group has an email address, the email cannot be sent and an error message will be displayed.
- Filter the list to find the roles, individual email addresses, or person groups to which
you want to send the communication.
For example, on the People tab, filter on the Person or Name fields to see all email addresses for an individual. Email addresses are classified by type (shown in the Email Type column). Service Desk provides the following predefined email types: WORK, HOME, EMERGENCY, PERSONAL, and TEXT (for text messaging). When you filter by person or name, all of the email types for that person are listed together.
- Next to each role, individual, or person group to which you want to send the communication, select one or more check boxes in the To?, cc?, and bcc? columns to indicate the addressee fields you want to populate.
- Click OK to close the Select Value dialog and populate the addressee fields with the items you selected.
- Enter a subject in the Subject field.
- Enter your message in the Message field.
- If you want to attach a document to the communication, go to Attachments and click on Actions to select an option to retrieve an attachment.
- Click Send to send the communication to the recipients.Note: The communication you sent is added to the communication log for this record.