Sending surveys
You can send a survey to a particular user or to a group of users.
Surveys can be sent automatically, based on a condition or escalation, or manually.
When a survey is sent, a URL is sent to the user or users to then follow to the survey to fill in. Surveys can be tracked or untracked.
When a survey URL is sent and it is tracked, the survey keeps track of who the survey is sent to and ensures that only that user can access the survey and fill in the survey one time. When a user clicks on the survey URL for a tracked survey, the user will be taken to the Maximo IT login window. Once they complete login, they will be taken to the survey to fill in.
When a survey URL is sent and it is untracked, the user is not required to login. When a user clicks on the survey URL for an unracked survey, the user is taken directly to the survey to fill in. The survey will be displayed using the JSP view.
On the Surveys application on the Survey tab, there is a Tracked URL and UnTracked URL field. Once a survey has been created and the object is assigned (Applies To field), the Tracked URL and UnTracked URL fields are automatically updated. This URL is the address that is sent to the users to follow in order to fill in the survey.