Complex searches
In some cases, you might want to use complex searches.
Following are some additional types of searches you can perform:
- To perform a fielded search, you can specify a field or search on the default field. Type the field name followed by a colon and the term you are looking for in quotation marks. Example: title:"Lotus"
- To perform a proximity search, type the "~" character at the end of a search. A proximity search locates words that are a specific distance away from the search term. Example: "Lotus Notes"~5
- To perform a range search, type the field name followed by a colon and brackets containing a range. Use square brackets for an inclusive search and curly brackets for an exclusive search. A range search allow you to match documents whose field values fall between certain boundaries. Examples: mod_date:[20070202 TO 20080101] and title:{Lotus TO Notes}
- To boost a search or phrase term, use the caret symbol with a boost factor. By boosting a search
term, you can control the relevance of the results. The default boost factor is 1, but you can
specify a different number. Examples:
- Lotus^5 Notes. In this example, documents containing the term "Lotus" will be more relevant.
- "Lotus Notes"^"Password". In this example, the phrase "Lotus Notes" will be more relevant in document searches than "Password".
- To perform a grouped search, you can use parentheses with Boolean operators. (Lotus OR Notes) AND Password
- To perform a search that groups multiple clauses to a single field, use a query similar to the following example: title:(+Password + "Lotus Notes")
- To escape special characters that are part of the query, use the backslash symbol before the
character. The following are considered special characters:
- +
- -
- &
- |
- !
- (
- )
- {
- }
- [
- ]
- ^
- "
- ~
- *
- ?
- :
- \
Example: \(1\+1\)\:2 searches for (1+1):2