Viewing a solution
You can view the fields and tables on a Solution record.
In the Solution field, click Enter to display a list of all solution records. In the Solution column, click the identification number of the solution that you want to view. The solution record is displayed on the Solution tab. The following fields are displayed at the beginning of the solution record:
- Rating
- A row of stars indicates how other users have rated this solution. Use the Rate this solution button to provide your own rating.
- Solution
- The unique identifier for the solution record. The adjacent field displays a short description of the issue that is addressed by this solution. Click the Long Description icon to view a longer description.
- Status
- The status of the solution record. Predefined statuses include DRAFT, ACTIVE, and INACTIVE. A solution must have a status of ACTIVE in order to be viewed outside the Solutions application. Solutions with a status of DRAFT or INACTIVE must be managed inside the Solutions application.
- Include this solution in the Self-Service Center?
- A check mark in this check box indicates that the solution is available to self-service and Self Serve users. Self Serve and Self Service Center users are internal or external customers who use the Self Serve and Self Service Center application to search for solutions or open service requests. Some solutions might not be appropriate for self-service users, for example solutions that are considered too complex for users who are not IT professionals.
- % Effectiveness Score
- A score indicating the percentage of users who confirmed that the solution answered their question or solved their problem.
Other fields and values that define the solution are specified on the tabs. The Solution Details tab is used primarily by the solution author. The Administrative Details tab is used by the administrator. The other tabs can be used by authors, administrators, or users searching for a solution.
- Classification
- An identification number or path that uniquely identifies the classification of this solution. Classifications are organized into hierarchies. Each node in the hierarchy has an identification number and a corresponding description. For example, the identification path 21 \ 2101 \ 210103 might correspond to the following descriptive hierarchy: IT Issue \ Hardware Issue \ Printer Hardware Issue.
- Class Description
- A text description of the classification. For example: Printer Hardware Issue.
- Last View Date
- The last time a user viewed this solution
- Type
- A descriptive identifier (for example, PRINTERS) that is used to group similar types of solutions. Solutions analysts and self-service users can filter a list of solutions by type in order to narrow the search for an appropriate solution.
- Solution Author
- The login ID of the user who created this solution record.
- Expiration Date
- A date after which the solution record is no longer available.
- Number of Hits
- The number of times users have viewed this solution. This number is incremented each time a user views the solution through the Solutions or Search Solutions applications. It is not incremented when a user views the solution through the Incidents, Problems, or Service Requests applications.
- Number of Times Applied
- The number of times that users have used this solution to try to resolve an issue.
- Average Rating
- The average rating that users have assigned to this solution. Users can rate a solution as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, or Average.
- Attachments
- A document attached to the solution record. Click the Attachments tab to view the attachment.
- Symptom
- Describes the issue addressed by this solution.
- Cause
- Describes one or more causes of the problem addressed by this solution.
- Resolution
- Answers the question or explains how to solve the problem.
- Keywords
- The Keywords table lists one or more keywords associated with the solution. The creator of a solution can optionally associate keywords with the solution record. Users can use keywords to search for solutions.
- Solution Survey
- The Solution Survey table describes feedback provided by self-service users. Each row in the table displays the feedback from an individual user. The User Rating column shows how the user rated the solution. Users can rate a solution as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, or Average. The individual ratings from all users are averaged and the result is displayed in the Average Rating field on the record. You can use this section to review the comments and delete unwanted ones.
- Status Creation Date
- The date when the solution was created or the status of the solution was changed
- Last Changed Date
- The last time the solution was modified
- Asset
- A lookup provided for the Asset application to link an asset to the solution
- Configuration Item
- A lookup provided for the CI application to link an CI to the solution
- Number of Times applied by Self Service
- Number of times the self service user used this solution to resolve the problem from the Search Solutions application
- New Solution Status
- The new solution status Work In Progress is available for the solution status synonym domain mapping to the Draft internal value.
- Times Viewed
- The number of times this solution was viewed.
- Times applied on Incidents
- The number of times this solution was applied to Incidents.