Adding a Legislation field to solutions

Service Desk analysts may want to include a Legislation field on the Solutions application to indicate that the solution complies with the selected Legislation. The default Solutions application does not include a field to store such information. However, such a field can be easily configured using Database Configuration and Application Designer.


  1. If you wish to use a domain to specify a list of values that can be used, click Open Menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Domains to open the Domains application. Define the domain and enter the available values.
  2. Click Open Menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration to open the Database Configuration application. Create a new field on the SOLUTION object to hold the Legislation data. If you created a domain that contains valid Legislation values, specify that the new field uses that domain.
  3. Click Open Menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Application Designer. Select the Solutions application and add a new textbox that maps to the new field. If the new field uses an ALN domain, specify valuelist as the lookup value.