Enabling the side navigation menu

You can move the action items in the toolbar to a navigation menu on the side of the screen, which makes the items more visible and easier to access. On the Start Center, the side navigation menu includes the menu items from Open Menu.

About this task

Users can enable the side navigation menu by selecting an option in their profile's Default Information dialog box. Administrators can also enable the side navigation menu for users or security groups, but the choice that the user makes overrides the choice of the administrator. If a user is a member of multiple security groups and the side navigation menu is enabled for any one of those groups, the user sees the side navigation menu.


  1. Ensure that the mxe.webclient.systemNavBar system property is set to 1.
  2. Turn on the side navigation menu:
    Option Description
    For a user In the Users application, open the record and select the Display option under Side navigation menu.
    For a security group In the Security Groups application, open the Application tab of the record and select the Use Side Navigation Menu? check box.
  3. Optional: To reduce horizontal scrolling when the side navigation menu is enabled, you can adjust the position of labels by setting the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels system property.
    User interface skin System property value
    If you are using the iot18 skin Set the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels system property to 2. Field labels dynamically adjust to the left of the field or above the field as the interface increases or decreases in size.
    If you are using the tivoil13 or tivoli09 skin Set the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels system property to 1. Field labels are positioned above the fields.