Service Composition

The Service Composition page lets the administrator compose the service configuration by defining some attributes.

Administrators can add a component along with a component type for a service. Follow the steps below to add a component and its related items:
  1. Click the Add Component button to add the service component details.
  2. Add the description in the Component Description box (Character limit: 100).
  3. Select a Component Type from the drop down list.
    1. For Configuration Item, select a Configuration Item using the Select value icon and choose one from the list.
      Note: Only Operating configuration items are visible here.
    2. For Asset, select an Asset using the Select value icon and choose one from the list.
      Note: Only Operating, Limited Use, and Active assets are visible here.
    3. For Related Service, select a related service using the Select value icon and choose one from the list.
      Note: Only Active services are visible here.
  4. Click Next to move on to the final page.