Configuring the connection to a Sametime Connect server

Use this task to connect to a Sametime Connect server.

About this task

To configure the product to work with the instant messaging server, set values for the system properties for your server.
System property Description
mxe.imi.serverhostname Specifies the fully qualified host name or IP address of the instant messaging server. This property is required.
mxe.imi.connectiontimeout Specifies the timeout period in milliseconds for connecting to the instant messaging server. When the timeout period expires, a message is displayed stating that the connection failed. You can optionally edit this property.
mxe.imi.driver The driver used to connect to the IM server. For Sametime Connect, the driver is ibm_sametime. This property is required.
mxe.imi.serverport Specifies the port on which the instant messaging server is listening for requests. This property is required.
Complete the following steps to modify each of the system properties shown in the preceding table:


  1. Log in as an administrator with authority to perform system configuration tasks.
  2. From the Open menu on the Navigation Toolbar, select System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties.
  3. On the System Properties window, search for the system property that you want to modify.

    To search, open the Filter and type the property name in the filter field in the Property Name column. Then press Enter.

  4. Click View Details icon next to the property name to display the Global Properties Details section of the window.
  5. Enter the property value in the Global Value field.
  6. Click the Save icon.
  7. From the Select Action menu on the application toolbar, select Live Refresh.
  8. Click OK on the Live Refresh dialog box.

    The new property value is displayed in both the Global Value and Current Value fields.