Self Serve

In the Self Serve application, you can search for solutions to issues that you encounter, report issues, review your tickets, view the current updates, and submit requests for services.

The Self Serve home page displays current updates about your environment, documented solutions, and recent tickets that you entered. From here, you can perform the following self-service options:
  • Search the database for documented solutions, updates, or services that you need or browse the catalog
  • Report an issue if you do not find the solution that you are looking for
  • Open a chat with a support agent to discuss about an existing or new issue
  • Review tickets created to monitor their progress
  • Request services from the catalog of service offerings that your company provides

Self Serve uses the Lucene search engine to search for solutions, news, and services.

Lucene search tips

The following table provides information about Lucene search syntax.
Table 1. Lucene search tips
Type of search Example
Single term To search for a single term, enter a single word such as test or hello.
Phrase To search for a phrase, enter a group of words surrounded by double quotes, such as "test for".
Wildcards You can use the following wildcards:
  • ? wildcard

    To search for a single character in a string, use the question mark ? wildcard. For example, entering c?ll returns results with cell and call.

  • * wildcard

    To search for multiple characters in a string, use the asterisk * wildcard. For example, entering micro* returns results with microbe and microscope.

Note: By default, use of a wildcard at the beginning of a search is disabled in Lucene searches because of performance consequences.
Word stemming To search for matches to a stem or root form, enter the stem. For example, entering custom returns customized, customizing, customs, and customer.