Convenience routines for data mappings

Convenience routines for obtaining Input parameters and setting Output parameters are used by the action implementation to shield it from the location of the Input and Output parameters.

The action simply specifies the parameter name in the Get or Put routine, and the Relationship and Attribute configurations in the action are used to navigate to the configured attribute value, attribute array or MBO set.

The following 'get' methods are defined in the class. Each takes as input the parameter Name, as defined in the metadata:
  • A set of related Get routines that correspond to the MBO access routines and return a single attribute:
    • getString
    • getInt
    • getFloat
    • getBoolean
    • getDouble
    • getDate
    • getLong
  • A set of related Get routines that return an array of attributes of a specific type:
    • getStringArray
    • getIntArray
    • getFloatArray
    • getBooleanArray
    • getDoubleArray
    • getLongArray
  • A Get routine that returns a date attribute:
    • getDate
  • A GET routine that returns an array of MBOs:
    • getSet
The following 'put' method is defined in the class:
  • A single 'put' mapping method to set a single attribute, which takes as input the parameter name and the value:
    • put
These methods take as input the mapping name and return either a value or array of values.
public static String getString(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
public static String[] getStringArray(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException

public static int getInt(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
public static int[] getIntArray(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException

public static float getFloat(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
public static float[] getFloatArray(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException

public static boolean getBoolean(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
public static boolean[] getBooleanArray(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException

public static double getDouble(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
public static double[] getDoubleArray(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException

public static long getLong(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
public static long[] getLongArray(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException

public static String getDate(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException
There is only one 'put' method. It takes as input the mapping name and the value to set. The value can be any supported type: String, Integer, Boolean, etc:
     public static void put(String mappingName, Object value) throws MXException, RemoteException
The 'getSet' method takes as input a mapping name and returns an mbo set:
     public static MboRemote[] getSet(String mappingName) throws MXException, RemoteException