System properties

You can use system properties to manage Maximo IT impact analysis.

Table 1. Impact analysis system properties
System Property Description Default Value
PMCHGIARULE.MAXDEPTH Specifies the maximum number of CI relationships that the impact analysis engine traverses to identify impacts. 10 Specifies the maximum number of target CIs that the impact analysis engine analyzes. Use this property to limit impact analysis execution when a change record has a large number of target CIs. The following values can be specified:
  • 0 - Specify 0 to process all targets that are assigned to a change.
  • numbers greater than 0 - To limit the number of CI targets analyzed, specify a number greater than zero. A higher number processes more targets.
pmchgia.filter.impacted.cis Specifies whether or not to filter the results that are displayed in an impact analysis report. By default, this property is enabled, and the impact analysis engine reports results only for CIs with a classification that is flagged for impact analysis results. However, if administrators want all results reported, the filtering feature can be disabled with the system property.
The following values can be specified:
  • 0 - Specify 0 if you want all results reported.
  • 1 - Specify 1 to include only CIs that are classified as key or high-value CIs in the report.
pmchgia.merge.impacted.cis Specifies whether to replace existing impact analysis results with the results of the current calculation.
The following values can be specified:
  • 0 - Specify 0 to replace any previous impact analysis results with the results of the latest execution.
  • 1 - Specify 1 to merge the results of the current exectuion with any existing impact analysis results from a previous execution.
0 Specifies whether to show a warning dialog box to notify users that the process might take a while. The following values can be specified:
  • 0 - Specify this value if you do not want to display the warning message.
  • 1 - Specify this value to display the warning.
pmcom.TraversalMaxThreads The impact analysis engine uses a multi-threaded design and can analyze several different CI relationships at the same time. This property specifies the maximum number of threads to process at one time.

Set the property value based on your physical system resources; that is, based on the amount of memory and CPU core that are available on the machine where Control Desk is running. If the value is set too low, performance suffers. If the value is too high, you can get “out of memory” errors. A good estimate for this property is 10 times the number of CPU cores in the system. As a best practice, run a few tests with different values to find the largest value that shows improvement. At some point, as you increase this setting, there will no longer be any increase in performance.

Note that the CI promotion and CI topology features also use threads from the thread pool that is controlled by this system property setting. When testing, remember the threads are shared among all users using one of the multi-threading-enabled features.

pmcom.TraversalMaxThreads is a global property. For clustered installations, configure it based on your smallest cluster member system.

Table 2. System properties for historical impact analysis
System Property Description Default Value
pmchg.ia.impactTasklimit Specifies the maximum number of tasks to examine for historical impact analysis results. The value provided for this property in the shipped product is 5, meaning that the engine will find up to five implementation tasks that contained the target CI or asset for which you want impact data. 10
pmchg.ia.impactTimelimit Specifies the number of days to go back from the current date to search for the implementation tasks. The value provided for this property in the shipped product is 365, meaning that the engine will go back one year as it searches for implementation tasks that contained the target CI or asset. Tasks that were performed more than 365 days ago are not examined. 365
pmchg.historical.impacts.maxrecords Specifies the maximum number of target CIs that the impact analysis engine analyzes when doing a historical impact analysis. 5