Creating links from authorized CIs to actual CIs

You create the links between authorized CIs and actual CIs in the Configuration Items application.

You can optionally run preview mode before creating the links. When you use this mode, links are identified and listed, but they are not created. Check the links carefully to ensure that they are correct. This is particularly valuable when you plan to link a large number of CIs. If links are made incorrectly, you can change the selection criteria for which CIs you want to link or you can change naming rules to achieve the desired links.

You must specify an e-mail address to receive a summary of the links that have been made, or would have been made if you specified preview mode. In order to send e-mail notifications, you must have an SMTP server set up, and an e-mail address must be defined for the administrative user.

  1. Click Open menu > IT Infrastructure > Configuration Items.
  2. Display and select the authorized CI records that you want to link.
    You can link any combination of CI types at once, top level or non-top level.
  3. Choose the Link to Actual CI action.
  4. In the Link to Actual CI window:
    1. Optional: Complete the Notify E-mail Address field to indicate where a summary of the links is sent.
    2. Optional: To see a list of linkages that are identified without the links being made, check Preview Linking.
    3. Optional: To run in background mode, check Run in Background Mode.
      (No messages will appear and you are able to perform other tasks.)
    4. Optional: To view the current naming rules, click View Naming Rules.
    5. Click OK.
  5. If running in preview mode, review the e-mail summary that is sent, listing the links that have been identified. Ensure that the links are correct before you proceed. If the preview shows incorrect links, you can review naming rules to make sure they are configured correctly.
  6. To perform the linking, choose the Link to Actual CIs action. (Note that Preview Linking should be cleared, by default.)