Reviewing results for a group of assets or CIs, using reports

Use the Assets and Configuration Items applications to run reports that provide key information about the asset-CI linking process for a group of linked assets or CIs.


  1. Do one of the following steps. On the navigation bar, click:
    • Open menu > Assets > Assets
    • Open menu > IT Infrastructure > Configuration Items
  2. Select the Run Reports action.
  3. In the Reports window, On-Demand Reports tab, select the report that you want to run:
    • If you are in the Assets application, select from:
      • Assets Linked to CIs
      • Assets Linked to Generic CIs
      • Assets with Missing Generic CIs
    • If you are in the Configuration Items application, select from:
      • CIs Linked to Assets
      • CIs Linked to Generic Assets
      • CIs with Missing Generic Assets
  4. In the Request Page window, complete any report parameters and the schedule fields.
  5. Click Submit.