Tracking ongoing releases
This product provides a number of features that help you track ongoing releases. You can
view a Workplan Map of the tasks that are defined for a release, and you can track release
Using maps
If your administrator configures mapping for all of your sites, you can view maps that give you a more complete picture of how assets, configuration items (CIs), and other resources are geographically distributed.
Viewing the Workplan Map
The Workplan Map for a process, such as the Release process, provides a quick visual snapshot of all of the tasks that are defined for the process. You can consult the Workplan Map to view the task-by-task flow, along with the status of each task; the dependencies among tasks; and the properties of individual tasks.
Tracking updates to a release
As a release moves through the release process, you can use the View History action to monitor updates to the release.
Viewing process details
At any time during a release, you can open the Process Details tab to view a detailed rollup of the approval tasks, milestones, implementation tasks, and software distribution tasks that have been scheduled for the release. The Process Details view displays all of these important tasks at a glance, regardless of how deeply nested the tasks might be in a work plan.