Creating an incident

You create an Incident record to document a deviation from an expected standard of operation. When resolving an Incident, an agent wants to restore service to a customer as soon as possible. For more information about Incidents, see the Incidents Help.

You usually create an incident from a Service Request, which makes the Incident a follow-up to the Service Request. This relationship usually is for information purposes only, without inheritance of status or other type of linkage. However, your system administrator can configure the system to let the Incident update the status of its originator.

  1. In the Service Requests application, display the record for which you want to create an incident.

  2. Verify that you have properly classified and prioritized the record.

  3. Go to More Actions > Create > Create Incident. The system creates an incident record and informs you of its identifier. You can view information about the record on the Related Records tab. You can also view the record in its application.