Create a Process Request

Create a Process Request when resolution or investigation of the issue described in a ticket record requires the control of a management process to safely implement changes without adverse impact to the IT environment. Process managers, such as the Change Management component, must be installed to provide the software controls that guide the process request to completion.

When you create a Process Request from a ticket, a new Process Request record is opened in the Process Requests application. Information from the ticket record is copied to both the Process Requests tab and to the Related Records tab of the Process Request record. Information from the Process Request record is copied to the Related Records tab of the ticket.

Your or a Process Request analyst must complete the Process Request record before it can be entered into the appropriate process management workflow. For example, a process manager must be specified in the Process Manager Type field on the record.

After the Process Request is reviewed and accepted, a record is created in the appropriate process management application (for example, the Changes application for a Change Request) and also in the Work Order Tracking application. These new records are populated with information from the Process Request.

For more information about working with Process Requests, see the Process Requests application help.

To create a Process Request from a ticket:

  • If you want to create a Process Request and let a Process Request analyst complete the Process Request record, follow these steps:
    1. Display the ticket record from which you want to create the Process Request.
    2. Select the Create > Process Request action.

    The new Process Request record, populated with information from the ticket, is created in the Process Requests application. A message on the ticket record indicates that the Process Request has been created, but the record is not displayed. A Service Request analyst reviews and completes the record.

  • If you want to view and edit the Process Request record after you create it, follow these steps:
    1. Display the ticket record from which you want to create the Process Request.
    2. Select the Workflow > Route Workflow action, or click the Route Workflow icon on the toolbar.

      The Start Workflow dialog is displayed.

    3. In the Process drop-down list, select the choice to create a Process Request. Optionally enter a message in the Memo field.
    4. Click OK.

      The new Process Request record, populated with information from the ticket, is displayed in the Process Requests application. The value in the Process Manager Type field is UNDEFINED.

    5. Select a process manager from the Process Manager Type dropdown list. For example, select Change to initiate a request for change (RFC). Select Configuration if the request involves a configuration management process, such as auditing configuration items.
    6. Fill in other fields as appropriate.
    7. Click Save Process Request icon to save your changes.
    8. Click Return to return to the ticket record.

    Information from the Process Request record is copied to the Related Records tab of the ticket. From this point, a Service Request analyst can review and approve or reject the process request. After approval, a record is created in the appropriate process management workflow.