Enabling the external system for IT asset disposal imports
Before you import data, you must enable the external system defined for IT asset disposal imports.
Before you begin
You enable an external system after you configure the system and are ready to begin importing disposal data. Before you enable the external system, enable the enterprise service for the import. If necessary, after the import is completed, you can also disable external systems. When you disable an external system, you stop all inbound and outbound messages to and from the system. The integration framework does not accept inbound messages or allow the use of the data import features with that system. It processes messages already in the queues. Disabling an external system also disables the associated enterprise services.
About this task
The following steps describe how to enable the external system for IT asset disposal imports.
- On the navigation bar, click Open menu > Integration > External Systems.
- On the System tab in the External Systems application, display TAMITEXTSYS, the external system for IT asset disposal imports.
- In the header, select the Enabled check box.
- Click Save External System.