Step 3. Generic asset and CI creation

Generic assets and CIs are authorized assets and CIs that are created automatically by the default asset-CI reconciliation task if automated creation is enabled. The reconciliation task creates a generic asset or CI for an IT classification when a specific authorized asset or CI was not found during previous DIS GUID or link rule matching in a particular task run.

If one authorized record cannot be linked to another because no match exists, the reconciliation task creates the needed authorized asset or CI. The created asset or CI is referred to and classified as a generic asset or CI. The default reconciliation task links the authorized asset or CI that was found to its new matching record, the generic CI or asset that was created.

Automated creation of generics must be enabled. That is, the record classifications in the Classifications application must designate that a generic asset or CI can be created. By default, after installation or upgrade, this option to automatically create CIs or assets is disabled for all classifications.