Creating person records

To store personal and official information, you can create and maintain records about people in your organization, such as users, laborers, asset owners, supervisors, and individuals who receive workflow notifications.

Before you begin

You create person records for any individual who could appear on another record. However, you must create a person record for each individual who has a labor or user record.


  1. In the People application, click New Person.
  2. Optional: If the Person field is blank, type a unique person identifier.
  3. Specify employee and workplace-related information.
    If you change the First Name field or Last Name field, these changes overwrite the nickname in the Display Name field.
  4. Optional: Type a nickname in the Display Name field.
  5. Optional: Specify workflow and work order information, important dates, and procurement card details.
  6. Click Save Person.

What to do next

The information in the Personal section of the person record is shared with the Labor and Users applications. You can enter or change the information in these fields from any of these three applications.