Types of locations

A location is defined as a place where assets are operated, are stored, or are repaired. Using systems of locations and specifying the location for assets on asset records provides the groundwork for gathering and tracking valuable information about the history of assets, including asset performance at specific sites, and as an asset is moved from location to location.

Locations can be of the following types:

  • Operating locations are the location in which an asset operates. Work orders and tickets are written either against the location itself or against the asset in an operating location. Use operating locations when building a location hierarchy.
  • Asset types of locations are vendor, salvage, and repair. Assets can be located in asset types of locations. You can track an asset not only as it moves from one operating location to another, but as it moves to a vendor or to a repair location, and perhaps to a salvage location.
  • Inventory types of locations are labor and courier. These locations can maintain a balance of an item or items issued from a storeroom. For example, a courier location holding a batch of items issued from a storeroom is responsible for the items until they are received into another location.