Simple and advanced email formats

Email interaction can process email notifications in both simple and advanced formats. The email format determines whether the user can change the attributes of the target object in the body of the email. You choose either the simple or advanced format in the People application.

Simple format

In simple format, the email recipient can update to a record only. The first email that is sent to the user contains a list of values that is associated with record update options. The value in the first line of the reply email corresponds to the value that is associated with the update to the record.

For example, in an object status change configuration, the status options for a work order might be 1 = Approved, 2 = In progress and 3 = Complete. If the work order is approved, the value 1 is listed in the first line of the reply email.

Advanced format

In advanced format, the email recipient can update a record and change the attributes of the target object that is specified in the configuration. The attributes can also be changed with or without changing the status of the record in the object status change configuration.

For example, in a workflow assignment the start date and completion date of a workflow task changes. The new start date is 10/01/12 and the new completion date is 12/30/12. The email recipient updates the record by changing the attributes of start date to 10/01/12, and completion date to 12/30/12 in the body of the email.