Offering tab

You use the Offering tab to enter information about a new offering or to view the details of an existing offering.

From the Offering tab, you can perform the following actions:
  • Insert a new offering
  • Save an offering
  • Clear changes since last save
  • Change the status of an offering
  • View status history
  • View organization status
  • Add/modify the image
  • Duplicate an offering
  • Add an offering to a catalog
  • Add/modify attributes
  • Add price information
  • Add table data

The following are the primary fields used on the Offering tab.

Table 1. Primary fields on the Offering tab
Field Description
Offering The name of the offering. This value is not required to be a human-readable name but can be a part number or other internal number.
Description Used to add a detailed description to the offering. The Offering description uses the Rich Text Editor to format descriptions, add HTML links and embed linked images, which display on the Offerings page.
Item Set Lets multiple organizations within a company view and choose from a common set of items.
Offering Type Can be Service Request, Descriptive Offering, or Action Offering. (An offering can be of type Service Desk if Service Desk Offering? is checked for the offering.)
Service Group Used for grouping similar offerings into the same service group. This is an additional organizational method that is distinct from the taxonomy. Similar offerings can be viewed in the Service Groups application.
Service Offerings can be organized by service. Services are associated with the broader service group.
Classification The classification of the offering. This lookup allows the offering to share attributes with other similarly classified offerings. Attributes from the classification are copied to the offering and can be deleted or modified or added as needed.
Classification Description The description of the offering classification.
Fulfillment Time Use this field to indicate the expected time it takes to fulfill this offering. When the Fulfillment Time is filled in on the Offering application, the Fulfillment Time is visible on the offering dialog.
Unit of Measure Unit of measure for fulfillment of the offering; can specify days, hours, minutes, seconds, weeks.
Attachments Attachments can provide additional information for the offering in document form.
Status The status of the offering.
Shipping Info Required?

Indicates that shipping information is required for the offering. Clear this check box if no shipping information is required.

Checking this check box results in shipping information being requested for any order that includes this offering. The shipping address is the one defined for the user's organization when initial data configuration is performed. For more information, see the Post Installation section in the Install Guide.

Note: The shipping address is not copied from the Catalog Request to the Service Request if one is created. You must copy the shipping information from the Catalog Request into the details field in the associated Service Request.
Display Initially? Indicates an offering is included in the initial offering list if the user has not ordered previously. Once the user has ordered offerings, the initial offering list is populated based on the user's order history.
Offering Uses Quantity? Indicates the offering needs a quantity field to be displayed to the user on the default dialog or custom dialog (if it is included in the XML).
Keywords Keywords are words associated with an offering to facilitate searching for that offering in the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center.
Service Desk Offering? Indicates that the offering is a Service Desk offering meant to help a user fix a problem. It denotes where the offering can be found in Self Service Center navigator. If this checkbox is checked, the offering shows in the list of offerings under Report an Issue in Self Service Center. If this checkbox is not checked, the offering shows in the list of offerings under Request a New Service.

In addition, this checkbox determines which default dialog is used for the offering if the presentation type is set to Default. If Service Desk Offering? is checked, the default dialog displays a Priority field and does not display an Add to Cart button. If Service Desk Offering? is not checked, the default dialog does not display a Priority field, but has the Add to Cart button.

Frequent Request? Checking this checkbox enables this offering to show in the list of Frequent Requests in the Self Service Center application. Indicates that this offering is among the most frequently requested by all system users.
Allow Comments and Ratings? Field is checked by default for all new offerings to enable user feedback for an offering. When this checkbox is checked, the average star rating and the number of comments is displayed on the offering dialog, and the Comments and Ratings tab and the Rate this Offering button is visible on the offering dialog in both the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center.

Users can click the Rate this Offering button to rate the offering and add a comment. They can go to the Comments and Ratings tab to see any active user comments that have been added about this offering.

If Allow Comments and Ratings? checkbox is not checked, the Comments and Ratings tab is not visible for the offering in the Offering Catalog or Self Service Center.
Image Identifies the image that is displayed with the offering in the Offering Catalog and Self Service Center, as well as on the Offering dialog. Click on the image to enlarge. To modify the image for an offering, use the Add/Modify image action.

Validation Scripts Information

This section is only shown if the Offering type is Service Request or Action Offering.

Table 2. Validation Scripts fields
Field Description
Prepopulation Script Select a script used to prepopulate fields in the offering dialog. This script runs prior to the offering dialog being displayed, and can be used to pre-populate known fields on the offering dialog.
Add to Cart Script Select a script used to validate offering attributes when the user adds the offering to a cart. For example, you can add a script to ensure the user specifies all required information for an offering.
Submit Cart Script Select a script that runs to validate that a user has provided all required information for the offering when submitting a cart.

Action Offering Information

Note: This section is only shown if the Offering type is Action Offering.
Table 3. Action Offering fields
Field Description
Action Type Action offerings can be one of two types: workflow or launch in context. Workflow offerings are fulfilled by launching a workflow while launch in context offerings are fulfilled by launching an external site or application.
Workflow The workflow that is executed to fulfill the offering.
Launch in Context The option name of the signature option that is launched when the offering is ordered.

Service Request Processing Information

The following sections are only shown if the Offering type is Service Request.

Table 4. Workflow field
Field Description

This field identifies the type of workflow that is invoked when a Catalog Request is submitted. Valid values are Default and Response Plan. The data values displayed in the following sections are determined by this choice. The Default workflow controls the approval and fulfillment processes. It uses the configuration data defined in the following sections for line and fulfillment manager approval processing, fulfillment processing and copying data from the service request to the work order. The Response Plan workflow invokes the Response Plan engine. The approval, fulfillment and copy processing must be enforced through Response Plans.

Table 5. Line Manager Approval fields
Field Description
Preapproved? When this field is enabled, the default workflow automatically approves the service request. The service request status is set to APPLM indicating that the line manager has approved the request.
Default Workflow? Indicates that the workflow used for line manager approval processing is specified under the Service Catalog Workflow Options for the organization and site.
Workflow Specifies the workflow that is used in the line manager approval process. This workflow overrides the value specified under the Service Catalog Workflow Options for the organization and site. The workflow specified must set the service request status to APPLM or RESOLVED.

Table 6. Fulfillment Manager Approval fields
Field Description
Preapproved? When this field is enabled, the default workflow automatically approves the service request. The service request status is set to APPFM indicating that the fulfillment manager has approved the request.
Default Workflow? Indicates that the workflow used for fulfillment manager approval processing is specified under the Service Catalog Workflow Options for the organization and site.
Workflow Specifies the workflow that is used in the fulfillment manager approval process. This workflow overrides the value specified under the Service Catalog Workflow Options for the organization and site. The workflow specified must set the service request status to APPFM or RESOLVED.

Table 7. Fulfillment Options fields
Field Description
Ticket Template Allows you to identify the ticket template to apply to the service request. The ticket template is applied after approval processing is complete. When a job plan is specified on the ticket template, an activity work order is created.
Create Standard Work Order? Allows you to create a standard work order for the service request.

When this field is enabled, you have the following options:

Job Plan: allows you to specify a job plan that is applied when the standard work order field is enabled.

Standard Work Order Workflow: allows you to specify a workflow that is invoked when the standard work order field is enabled.

Create Change Work Order? Allows you to create a change work order for the service request.

Table 8. Copy Options
Field Description
Copy SR Specification to Work Order? This option copies the service request specification data (TICKETSPEC) to the work order specification (WORKORDERSPEC).
Copy SR Attributes to Work Order? This option uses the TICKET2WO crossover domain to copy service request attributes to the work order.
Copy SR Attributes to Work Order and Tasks? This option uses the TICKET2TASKS crossover domain to copy service request attributes to the work order and associated tasks.

Catalog Fields

This section shows the catalogs that include this offering. The catalog name, description, and current status are shown and are read-only values.

Table 9. Service Usage Tracking fields
Field Description
Catalog The unique catalog identifier that includes the offering.
Description The catalog description that includes the offering.
Offering Catalog Taxonomy This value is used by the Offering Catalog to group similar offerings together. Offerings sharing the same taxonomy can be viewed by navigating the navigation tree feature of the Offering Catalog.
Taxonomy Description The description of the Offering Catalog taxonomy.
Status The status of the catalog.