Viewing asset details

Use the View Assets application to view details about your asset. You can also view the attributes associated with the asset. To make changes to an asset, use the Assets application.

About this task

This task provides details on how to view the details of an asset that is assigned to you. You can see details on subassemblies, spare parts, and specifications.

The steps for viewing asset details follow.


  1. On the navigation bar, click Open menu > Self Service > View Assets.
  2. In the View Assets application, display the record for which you want to display details. For information on searching for a record, see Searching for an asset.
  3. In the View Assets table window, click the underlined record ID to open the asset. The system displays details of your asset.
  4. To return to the list of your records, in the toolbar, click Search. To view details for the previous or next record in your search results, click Previous Record or Next Record.