Solutions application
A solution is a predefined response to a commonly asked question or problem. A solution record defines a symptom, a cause, and a resolution. Use the Solutions application to create and manage solution records within a Service Desk environment.
Solution records can also be associated with a service request, incident, or problem ticket. You must set the status of a solution to ACTIVE to make it accessible from other applications.
- Classify solution records. For example, if you receive a lot of printer-related questions or issues, you can create a classification called IT > Printers > Toner. You assign that classification to any solutions that answer questions about toner or that resolve toner problems. Users can search for solution records by classification.
- Assign a type to solution records, for example, EMAIL or INSTALL. Users can narrow their search by filtering the list of solution records by type.
- Associate one or more keywords with a solution. Users can filter or search for solutions by keyword. Before you can associate keywords with a particular solution, the keywords must exist in the keywords database. You can use the Solutions application to add keywords to the database.
- Assign an Owner or Owner Group to a solution. This allows you to create reports and queries to display solutions owned by a particular owner or group, and to add roles on solution level.
As a solutions administrator, you create solution records from the Solutions application. In addition, users can create solutions from the Incidents and Problems applications. If you have an automated help desk environment, you can implement a workflow process to send a solution that another user has created to you for review, approval, and activation. You can also use a workflow to automatically send a solution in response to a service request.
The Global Search application can be started from this application. Use the toolbar icon to perform a global search.
The Solutions application Solution tab
The Solution tab is used to add, view, or modify a solution record.
You use the Solution tab of the Solutions application to view, create, or modify a solution. When you create a solution, you can also specify whether the solution record is available to customers from the Search Solutions application. Feedback from customers about the usefulness of a solution is displayed in the User Feedback section of active solution records.
It is good practice to classify the solution to make it easier for customers to find a solution, or a set of solutions on the same topic. You must first create classifications in the Classifications application. You can also use the Type field to group similar types of solutions together for sorting or searching purposes.
- Add/Modify image - allows users to add/modify an image to the solution record. Only one image can be embedded in a solution at a time.
- Rich Text Format - allows users to set Rich Text formatting on the Symptom, Cause and Resolution fields in the Solution and Search Solution applications making the fields more easily readable.
- The Service Provider action also provides the following options:
- Associate Customers
Use the User Comments section to provide the rating and comments to a solution. When you click the Save Comments/Rating, the new entry is displayed in the Solution Survey section.
For information about a field, place the cursor in the field and press ALT+F1. See the View a Solution topic for descriptions of all the fields on the Solution tab.
Specifications tab: to classify a solution and specify attributes that further define a solution. For example, an solution might involve the classification of a laptop, with attributes of memory, disk space, and speed, for which you can define values. Attributes help to categorize solutions, which makes it easier to find and manage solutions.
You also can classify a solution on the Solution tab, but to manage attributes for the solution, use the Specifications tab.
Related solutions tab: to relate existing solutions to another solution.
Use the Select Solutions button to display the Select Solutions dialog. The Select Solutions dialog lists all solutions in Active state and all the solutions already related. You can select and relate the solutions of your choice. The solutions you select are displayed in the Related Solutions section.
The Related Records relationship is bidirectional and the relation type is RELATED. This information is also visible for the Self Service users, if the related solutions are active and the related feature is enabled.