Meter Groups

You use the Meter Groups application to define a logical grouping of meters that comprise a meter group. Meter groups represent a collection of meters that are used together numerous times.

By creating a meter group, you can add multiple meters to an asset or to a location at the same time. Once meter groups are defined, you can add meters to a group and remove meters from a group. Meter groups can be applied to assets, to locations, and to rotating items using the Inventory Control application to designate the meters associated with a rotating item.

Meter group information is copied to a record under the following conditions:

  • An item assembly structure containing rotating items that have meter groups is applied to an asset or to a location record.
  • The asset or the location record includes a rotating item number that has a meter group.
  • A non-rotating asset or location record is created and a meter group is specified on the Asset tab of the Assets application.