Related CIs Map tab: mapping related CIs - CI application

After you open a configuration item (CI) record in the CIs application, you can use the Related CIs Map tab to display a map that shows the current CI and its related CIs. This tab and the Service Address tab are displayed only if the asset or physical location associated with the CI has a service address.

About this task

If the CI has both an asset and a physical location, and both have service addresses, the service address for the asset is used. The CI itself does not have a service address; the Service Address tab of the CI application is read-only. To change the service address that is shown for the CI, you must change the address for the asset or the physical location, depending on which of these addresses is used for the CI.

When the map is drawn, the related CIs are displayed using the same underlying mechanism that is used to display the CI topology business view. To be shown in the related CIs map, a related CI must have a service address pulled from its associated asset or location. If one or more related CI nodes are displayed in the topology view but not in the related CIs view, those nodes do not have service addresses associated with their assets or locations.