Setting up ticket template–based chat requests
From the Self Service Center home page, users can request chats by clicking a button in
the Contact Us pod. To configure this capability, you can specify which security groups see the pod
and the chat button; grant authority to edit the contents of the pod; and cause the pod, the button,
or both to be shown or not shown to all users. Finally, you create ticket templates to associate
with available chat topics.
Creating ticket templates used for chat topics
When users click the chat button on the Self Service Center home page, they are presented with a list of available chat topics, and they can select a topic for a chat. As an administrator, you populate this list by creating ticket templates that are used only for chat topics.
Showing and hiding the Contact Us pod and chat button
The Contact Us pod is displayed on the Self Service Center home page. The pod contains a button users click to initiate a chat with an Agent. You can show or hide the button for specified security groups. You can also show or hide the contact pod.
Authorizing groups to edit the Contact Us pod
The contents of the Contact Us pod in the Self Service Center can be edited. This product ships with the MAXADMIN group authorized to edit the pod. As an administrator, you can grant other groups the permission to perform these edits. You do so in the Security Groups application.
Modifying the Contact Us pod and chat settings
If you are authorized to configure chat settings and have access to the Person Groups application, you can configure the text that is displayed in the Contact Us pod of the Self Service Center home page. You can also modify the greeting that is displayed in an end user’s chat window when an agent accepts a chat.