Creating key performance indicators
You create key performance indicators to track critical performance variables over time.
- In the Key Performance Manager application, click New KPI.
- Provide a unique name for the key performance indicator.
- Optional: Provide a description of the key performance indicator.
- Specify either decimal or percentage as the calculation type.
- Specify the selection criteria.
- In the Query Details section, specify the KPI query.
- To change the graph from green to yellow to red, in the
KPI Parameters section, specify values in the Target field, Caution
At field, and Alert At field.
If you want a low number, specify a low value in the Target field and a high value in the Alert At field. If you want a high number, specify a high value in the Target field and a low value in the Alert At field.
- If you want everyone to have access to the KPI, select the Public? checkbox.
- Optional: Specify values for linking the key performance indicator.
- Save the key performance indicator.