Report Downtime

You can change the status or record start and end times for an asset.

To perform one of the following actions for an asset, use the Report Downtime dialog:

  • Change the status of an asset from Up (operating) to Down (not operating) or from Down to Up. The system records the time of the status change.
  • Record both start and end times for either a planned or actual downtime. If you record future start and end times, the status of the asset automatically changes when the specified dates and times occur.

You must have default insert sites to access the Report Downtime dialog. To enable other users to open the dialog, an administrator must give them a default insert site.

Enabling users to access Report Downtime

In a Service Desk application such as Incidents, Problems, and Service Requests, a user who does not have a default insert site receives an error message when he selects a record, selects an asset, clicks the Detail Menu icon, and selects Report Down Time. These users require a default insert site provided by an administrator.


Perform these steps to provide a default insert site for a user who is unable to access the Report Downtime dialog:

  1. Open the user profile for the user who was logged in when the problem occurred.
  2. Add a default insert site for the user.
  3. Save the profile.

Changing the status of an asset


  1. Display the ticket record with the asset whose status you want to change.

    You can change the status of the asset listed in the Details section of the record or any asset listed in the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs section.

  2. Next to the Asset field, click Detail Menu > Report Downtime.

    The Asset Up? field indicates whether the asset is currently reported as Up (Y) or Down (N). The Change Status option is selected by default.

    The system date and time are displayed in the Status Date field. If you change the status from Up to Down, the system records this time as the start of the downtime in the downtime history records for this asset. If you change the status from Down to Up, the system records this time as the end of the downtime in the downtime history records. The downtime history for an asset is displayed in the Manage Downtime History dialog.

  3. To enter a reason for the status change, in the Downtime Code field, click the Select Value icon to select a code.
  4. Click OK to change the status and close the dialog.

    The Asset Up? field displays the changed status (Y or N) the next time you open the dialog.

Adding downtime codes

You can add downtime codes that can be used when reporting a status change on an asset.

About this task

To add downtime code, complete the following steps:


  1. Go to the Domains application Click Open menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Domains.
  2. Filter for "DOWNCODE" by entering DOWNCODE in the Domain field and press Enter.
  3. Click the Edit Detail icon for this domain.
  4. On the ALN Domain dialog, click New Row.
  5. Fill the Value field with the new code you want to add. Optionally, you can fill in the Description, Organization, and Site fields.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each new downtime code you want to add.
  7. Click OK.


All newly added downtime codes are now available when reporting downtimes for an asset.

Reporting asset downtime


  1. Display the ticket record with the asset for which you want to report downtime.

    You can report downtime for the asset listed in the Details section of the record or any asset listed in the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs section.

  2. Next to the Asset field, click Detail Menu > Report Downtime.

    The Asset Up? field indicates whether the asset is currently reported as Up (Y) or Down (N).

  3. Select the Report Downtime option.
  4. Use the Start Date and End Date fields to report the start and end of the asset downtime.

    By default, the value that is displayed in the Start Date field, if any, is copied either from the Reported Date or the Actual Start field on the ticket record. The Start Date Details section in the Report Downtime dialog shows which of these dates was used. The value in the End Date field is copied from the Actual Finish field on the ticket record. If the fields on the ticket record are empty, the corresponding fields on the Report Downtime dialog are also empty.

    The dates from the ticket record pertain to the ticket, rather than to the asset. (For example, the reported date is the date that the ticket was opened.) You can accept these dates as approximate dates for the asset downtime, or you can enter values in the date fields that more closely match the actual or planned downtime. Select from among the following choices:
    • Accept either or both of the default start and end dates if they are displayed.
    • Change the default selection in the Start Date Details section.

      For example, select Actual Start Date to copy the value from the Actual Start field on the ticket to the Start Date field on the Report Downtime dialog.

    • Enter values directly in the Start Date and End Date fields.

    The system calculates the number of downtime hours based on the difference between the start and end dates, and displays the result in the Hours field.

  5. To enter a code to describe the downtime, in the Downtime Code field, click the Select Value icon to select a code.
  6. In the Downtime Type section, select one of the following options:
    • Operational - if the downtime occurred when the asset is normally in use
    • Non–operational - if the downtime occurred when the asset is normally not in use
  7. Click OK to report the downtime.